Wednesday, November 01, 2017

12 Fengshui Tips on the placement of Air Con -

12  Fengshui Tips on the placement of Air Con -
1) Ideally, the Air Con unit should be placed in the wealth area - so that when it is switched on, it activates the wealth.

2) The Air Con unit can also be placed in the power area of the house/office - so that when it is switched on , it activates power, good health and volume of business, that is more business and hence more busy.

3) The Air Con unit should not be placed in the sickness sector of the house - otherwise when it is turned members tend to fall sick.

4) The Air Con unit should also not be placed in the "5 yellow" sector - otherwise can activate troublesome energies then people kenna choke, accidents or fall down.

5) The Air Con unit can be placed in the fame sector of the house / office - then the people staying or working there will be more popular and famous. If you are a tv star, it is important to activate this energy so that you can be more famous.

6) The Air Con unit should not be placed above the house door frame - otherwise when you walk underneath it, you can have work pressure.

7) The Air Con unit should not face the Stove -

8) The Air Con unit should not face the toilet -

9) The Air Con unit should not face the mirror in the house - otherwise accidents can happen.

10) The Air Con unit can face the dining table - it is good to activate the energies around the dining table so that people staying in this house can have good career as dining table represents career.

11) The Air Con unit ideally should not be above the master bed - otherwise can give rise to the couple's relationship and add a strain to it.

12) The Air Con unit should not face the altar table - if not the God that sits there will not be "stable"

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