Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Packing to go to India and Nepal in November 2019 for 11 days -

Packing to go to India and Nepal in November 2019 - 
These days other than work, when I come home, I have to check what other items that I need to bring for my India and Nepal trip. Plus Sifu, Venerable Hong Bok said that we are to wear all white when in Bodgaya for the 3days there. 

Where in the world can I find white pants or even white skirt ? T-shirts I can buy from UNI QLO which I did. So one day while doing my hair extension at Far East Plaza, I chanced upon a shop that sells nice clothes so I walked in and asked do you have white pants ? and the lady there took out a nice white pants with elastic waist band that can stretch as I am quite a big Size lady not the slim slim kind lah !!! 

So I tried and it fits woh !!! so I bought it. it is quite transparent a bit lah. but in India...not going for fashion show....so don't bother as long as the colour is right. can liao lah. Then I source in Q10 as I like to order things from them because there is a comment column where I can tell the supplier to bring the item up to the condo that I am currently staying and leave the item on the house front door. 

Yeah........makes my shopping so much easier. I dislike going to Post office to pick it up as I have to call a taxi spend money to there and spend money back home. Online shopping is not meant that way, right ?? So I continue to do my shopping as I haven't bought the things I want to bring for my India trip.

I want to shoot a nice video of sifu and the places that I visit but I am not good in that. So I guess I have to give this a miss. maybe sifu got hire some of his students/followers to shoot video more professionally like during his talks. so I have to be contented to being an actress liao.

Well as time gets nearer I am getting excited.....I have been to most of the places before so this is my second time and I have to tell everywhere I go. this is my last and final time on earth and I am not coming back. I am going to Nirvana liao. This trip to me is to say Goodbye to all these nice places.........or when destiny allows and bring me back a third time ? who knows. I don't wish to dream about this. But I do wish to recite my mandarin Hua Yan Jin in Bodgaya if I have the time, maybe I might be given another great big gift !!! I don't know.....see how loh !!!!   :))))))

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