Sunday, August 20, 2017

Thank you to the 842 Visitors to my blog yesterday !

Today, 21 August 2017 - This morning when I woke up and saw that this blog had over 800 visitors yesterday and is a Sunday ! Wah !!!......So I said to myself that I need to work harder and to write  here it is.

Today, I am going to office first for a reading then for a house review then home to write my blog. Stay tune...ok ?

How do you like this photo above ? I know it makes me look nicer but is not really me.....I mean the shape of the face...not so sharp. The photo above is a selfie taken using Camera 360. You can download the app and use "rosy" then the photos taken will be "softer". Try it and you can be "Mei Mei" too !!! ;)))

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