Thursday, August 17, 2017

Today, 17 August 2017 (Thursday) - Peaceful Day

The Surangama Sutra 

Today, 17 August 2017 (Thursday) -, my work was on destiny readings so had to go to office at First Centre. I bought this 635 sq ft office in Dec 2010 at a reasonable price and now almost 100% profit already. One of the best investments in terms of profit and low capital outlay though it is a 60 years leasehold property.

Most people here at First Centre started selling because they thought make profit already then they shifted to those with 30 years leasehold in Woodlands. But this investment office still can make profit if we can sit longer. I am a very small time investor in property only as my forte is still in fengshui and destiny reading. I love properties and personally have invested in 3 properties but I am also able to let them go....that is to sell everything. In Buddhism, I learn to detach including people. 

On Investment Strategies - This year, I know a lady client who sold her terrace house and bought a semi detached house. What a good move ! Then there are those who de-coupled and bought one more condo to their assets. Good Move too. I know of someone planing to sell a terrace house and use the funds to buy two condos. Best to do them now before 2019 when properties may go up.

Something is brewing World Wide and suppose a big Crash comes....if you like shares, Go for shares. If you like property, go for properties. It is coming very very soon.......when it comes, it is Buyers market.

On Destiny Reading - In a Destiny reading, I usually touch on their "investments' strategy". Hence, whether they can do shares investing, gold, currencies or property. I would write on their bazi chart whether suitable or not then they can do their planning.

But ladies usually like to know their wallet colour or handbag colour etc. These are not the important ones, though important but not that important. Most important is how they can manage to save and invest their money. Some ladies are not investment savvy and I hope to share with them how to be more investment savvy and to grow their wealth.

On Feng Shui - In the old days, we would usually put the fax machine or photo copying machine in the wealth area. Why ? This is because so that they would be used frequently.

You remember the times, when we had to fax to give quotation to get a job done ? yah....those days and how times have changed. I dislike to quote for a job. Either the job is given to me or I don't do. Fengshui Masters also need to have their pride mah......otherwise how to gain respect from customers.

Last night, I read The Diamond Sutra and found it very helpful in meditation !

Today, I took a photo at the house while waiting for Grab Car. Here it is.........

Thank you to the 462 visitors to this blog, yesterday ! Thank you for coming.....I shall try my best to share more fengshui, destiny reading or investment stories with you ;)))

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