Saturday, September 30, 2017

10 Steps to meditate -

10 Steps to meditate -
1) Sit comfortably with one leg over the other and with one hand over the other hand with the two thumbs touching lightly.

2) Scan through the body from head to base (bottom) telling yourself to calm down. 

3) Just say silently - I am doing this meditation so that I can become a better person.

4) Then begin to breath IN and OUT then count one.

5) Breath IN and OUT then count two.

6) Keep doing this till you reach 10. Once you can do from 1 to 10, without the mind wandering elsewhere, you are "steady" liao....... and on the right track as most people's mind will start wandering at the count of 3, like me some 23 years ago. 

7) At this stage, I feel that if you can count the breath from 1 to 50 without the mind wandering.....elsewhere, you are very good.

8) Then try to beat my standard of 100. Count from 1 to 100 and with mind focusing on the breath all the time. Don't forget, I am practising "CHAN" de.

9) If sometimes you reach 30 counts and you feel "tired" already then stare at the dark space in front of you and keep on looking until a small light purple web like lights or energy appear in front of you. Keep on staring until it becomes very very bright purple/blue and stay in that moment with the breath breathing very very slowly.

10) At this stage even if you have just started learning meditation say only two weeks, you are ready to begin to do Chan Meditation on "Shattering the GREAT Doubt" by asking silently .........."What is Wu ?" ......... keep on asking.............and sometimes you can ask "What is it ?"........then go back to "What is Wu"

Sometimes, can also ask "what is my original self ?"............(though we are taught NOT to say the word "I".......but some people can get a small "reaction" when they ask this question. This "reaction" is a "feeling". Can feel something de.

FSQ Note : This practice of Chan Meditation on "Scattering the GREAT Doubt" is by Master Sheng Yen of Taiwan. Though he had passed on............but you would have remembered that I dreamt of him  twice and he lives in my heart.

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