Sunday, September 10, 2017

How to enhance fertility for couple -

Today, 10 September 2017 (Sunday) - are things so far ? fine ? I hope. Today, after visiting my parents, I went to office for work. It is really nice to know that my clients actually followed my blog. Thank you so much for coming to read about fengshui, destiny readings and buddhism.

On Fengshui and Destiny Reading - Today, someone whatsApp me asking me to give tips on how to enhance a couple's fertility using fengshui and bazi. So here it is......

How to enhance fertility for couple -
1) In any house, there is a fertility area - and we usually burn two candles to enhance fertility or use a table lamp or standing lamp to enhance the energies in that area. These gives off "heat" hence it is the "hot" energies that can give rise to fertility.

If you do not know where is the "fertility" area of your house, it is also called the "power" area of the house. If not then try it by trial and error. This 2 weeks, put in living room then next 2 weeks, put in kitchen table top until the lady got pregnant  ;)))

2) Look at the lady's bazi chart and look for the "hour" - If the hour born is a "goat" then buy a pair of goats and placed them on the bedside table. This can help increase fertility. Usually one goat is enough but if you want to get two, a pair also can. We tend to be a bit kaisu ;)))

You can also use soft toy "goat" or "goats" also can.

3) If you know the wealth area of your house then place a baby doll boy stature there sucking a pacifier. If the baby doll wears blue colour clothes, it represents  a boy. If the baby doll wears pink clothes, it represent a girl. This works in fengshui as many of my clients had tried this and they work !!!

4) Get the mother or the mother in law to buy the couple a laughing Buddha with lots of children on the laughing Buddha - in the old days, you can find this tip in many fengshui book that they do work. Try this.

5) We usually ask the mother or the mother in law to buy the couple the blue or pink baby doll - that way, the couple can conceive faster.

Thank you to the 1,010 visitors to this blog, yesterday !!!

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