Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Today, 18 October 2017 (Wednesday) 7.00pm -

Photo taken at Yishun Ave 4

Today, 18 October 2017 (Wednesday) 7.00pm - was your day ? it has been a lovely day today.......then came home and watched the two Youtube on Red Pine (Bill Porter)'s adventure to China. Simply amazing........and I loved it !!!

On Dharma - Are you beginning to start your dharma practise ? by first going full vegetarian on certain days and then by culivating to be kind to whoever is in front of you ? look out for the small thoughts in your mind. 

If they are no good thoughts then you kenna bad karma, if you have kind thoughts towards them then you can have good karma. It is like this. So better train your mind to be kind ! hehe :))))

My Speed at watching Youtubes - If you find that you can't catch up with me on watching all the Youtubes here, it is ok as I watch very fast de and have a lot of time to watch.

Ok............I am going to meditate now. Ta Ta !!!

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