Thursday, October 19, 2017

Today, 19 October 2017 (Thursday) 6.07pm - Don't ever let anyone influence your happiness !!!

Pretty flowers in Kenko massage room

Today, 19 October 2017 (Thursday) 6.07pm - is your day ? Hope so far so good. Everyday, I keep myself happy and calm as I need to help my clients solve problems and sometimes very bad issues. So I need to be clear headed then can help them solve, right ? so anywhere I will today.

You can see the familiar chairs at Bukit Purmei where I sat and mediated before my apppointment

Note 1 - One lady whatsApp me to ask me to say something to make her feel Good. I didn't reply as this is not a fengshui question. Then everytime, anybody don't feel good they start to whatsApp me or Facebook email me then how ? ..........I will be so busy. I don't entertained these. I unfriend you at Facebook or block you from whatsApp. hehe

I need to learn how to protect my "mind" and also find the time to meditate. Already after work need to rest and watch Youtube my dharma time now becomes blogging time later than meditate is better so that I don't need to think of all of you.....hehe is my answer to you, sweetie - overtime someone say something negative things to you, you need to treat it as though it is "nothing".

That is that - whatever this person say to you HAS NO IMPACT ON YOU !!!
This is how I would handle this if this ever happen to me. I will smile and walk on.....and do my work as though nothing had happen. 

You will need to learn to be still happy and calm and go about doing your work.

If you let this person see that you are upset then it means that - the negative impact has impacted you. Why did you allow it to happen ? whatever happen to all your chanting and your belief in Buddha ? Where did that all go to ?

Next time : if ever that is a next time and it can come from a different person - first when you hear it..........sure "buay song" one. This is because we are still "human" and not yet a Buddha.

Once you become a see whether this person say anything to you have CAN HAVE any impact on you or not ?

So what do you do ?
1) Walk away to some quiet corner and meditate IN and OUT until you are calm. Once you are calm then you can solve all the issues and know how to "react" or "no react".

2) Sit at your desk, close your eyes and meditate and reflect on it - Buddha says it is always our fault first. Is it correct ? were you in the wrong first ? examine yourself and in your thoughts. Here we are not meditating but examining and reflecting our thoughts, a bit like meditation but is not.

After some time, you will feel calm and then you are ok and then can begin to carry on doing your work and be productive at the work place. Small matter, don't ever let anybody influence your mind and your own happiness !!!

What is the deep cause of all these unhappiness ?
It is because this person still has "ego" and a big "SELF" or "I".
Once you removed all of won't ever ever have any problem.

For me, I had already removed the "self" there is "no self" and "no me". There are also no attachment to things like assets family...... to my business etc. I had already sought all of these out already......are you prepared ???

Are you even prepare to die tomorrow ? can you ? are you ready ?
I am ready. And I know I am not coming back to samsara........I will go to Amitabha Pure Land and continue to "siew sin" there. Wanna join me there and don't ever come back ????

But I intend to make one more vow. When the world needs dharma and even when I am in Pure Land, I do not mind coming back to earth to help many people. and only when the world really really needs my help. That one can say we are being selfish and not compassionate enough ;)))))

Ok..........going to meditate now. Ta Ta !!!

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