Thursday, August 02, 2018

2 Simple steps to open your third eye !!!

This photo was taken on 28 July Saturday afternoon when in a vegetarian restaurant , I did a selfie !!!

2 Simple steps to open your third eye !!!

1) First, you will need to open up all your 7 chakras in the body - There are a few ways to open them. One is to find a chakra healer not a reiki healer in Singapore or anywhere else to place crystals on your chakra and to open them.

Different type of crystals are used for different chakras. You can read about them in Google.

The other way is to see a bone setter, someone who can do the Qi through your body from root chakra right through the head. I find that this works very well for me as my eyes become brighter and I tend to look radiant too.

The other is to listen to chakra healing music which I did for the past few months. Later show you some music in Youtube which I use frequently.....

You may need to listen to this for at least 3 months then can see result. You will also need to be patient.

2) You will need to learn to meditate - Every day without fail just sit and meditate....even if it is for a few mins also good. The idea of the meditation is bring your "soul" back into the body. Thus, creating mindfulness. When you have mindfulness, you are never tired mentally.

This is how I cope with my workload whether in Singapore or when overseas. I meditate in early morning at around 4 am when I get up. Even in Singapore, if I happen to get up at 4am........I would sit up and meditate as this help me to be even more mindful.

2A) Then when you are doing the meditation exercise, you will need to bring the Qi to the third eye portion a space between the two eyebrows and rest there or try to open that "space" there.....can try real hard.........but sometimes, open already can close back again one if you are not careful.

You will remember at one time, I was writing about doing third eye meditation.....well it works !!! Now you can try it too !!!

All the Best !!!!

1 comment:

Eunice�� said...

Hi Master Lynn,

Any recommendation for Chakra healer in Singapore?

I googled and found these:
