Friday, September 28, 2018

More on "The Sound of Silence".......

I screenshot this so can show you.....

28 September 2018 (Friday) - Today is Friday .........went to do fengshui for a HDB flat....the couple client was very nice as they turned on the air con for me plus a standing fan blowing too. Oh and she served me Cuppincho so nice......Wow !!! Thank you so much !!!

Then I went to Far East Plaza to do my hair extensions and to "Ta Bao" (packet take away)  noodles for lunch and this is how it looks like.........(thank you to the many client who told me that they love to look at my food !!! hehe.....) So this one goes out to you !!!

Noodles from Far East Plaza

Hi..........are you following me in Instagram ??? there are more photos there....and more regular updates than here. Because here, I need to tell stories !!! hehe.....

Well......I read my email and saw someone commented on the "sound of silence". This guy had this for years and didn't know that this belong to the higher consciousness !!! and now he knows it from my blog !!! Wow !!! Wow !!!.....I am so happy that someone out there can learn from what I am experiencing as I go about my spiritual path.

So I google and found a book written by Ajahn Sumedho and they have ebook so can download and read. I also found some podcast and will be listening to them soon.....and see if there are anything new that I have yet to know.

Actually what I was looking for - was what to do with this sound ? shall I meditate and listen more to this sound or what ?

Well....I can share with you is this : I make self inquiry when I am stable in the meditation stage. I would ask "who am I ?" and sometimes I asked :"who is the one who is listening to the sound of silence ?"

You try this..........don't tell anyone what or how you feel ? I think not allowed to say one. So....dont tell anyone.

Then the other day, I went down to North Star to do office fengshui. My corporate client just bought this unit here, left 50 years leasehold. Very nice and big......good for their own use. Here are some photos taken at North Star @AMK

In Conclusion : I will continue to meditate everyday and am using the Vipassana Method of being aware. This is because when you are doing nothing and just sitting there and just are the REAL You and that is your true Buddha Nature. 

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