Monday, October 29, 2018

My relationship with Amitabha Buddha and it is this one !!!

Amitabha Buddha photo taken on my mobile screen today - 11:11

My relationship with Amitabha Buddha and it is this one !!!

Around 13 May 2018, I started seriously chanting  to go to Amitabha's  Pure Land. I started with 10 mins of chanting out loud once in the morning and once in the evening. Then the next day, I decided to do more and progressed to 30 mins day and night. This continued till I do one hour per day and then I went to China and after that, I did less.

I was in China - 2 to 6 July 2018. When I was in China, I continued my chanting except that by the time, I reached my Hotel room, it was late and I was tired. So chant a bit then go to sleep already.

During all these time, I have never dreamed of Amitabha Buddha. Recently, I make a strong wish to hope to see him in my dream. So it actually happened once on 25 June 2018 where I dreamt I was chanting so loudly on "Amitbha 10 times" until I woke up. 

To me..........hei ! this dream is not bad. I thought to myself.

When I was in KL recently, for business trip (3 to 4 October 2018) the Company hired a driver who drove me to the airport and since we were both buddhist, he started sharing with me about Amitabha Buddha and how he went about to buy his Buddha Stature. I also gave him a free simple Bazi reading so that maybe he can help himself with the information that I gave him.

During one of the conversations, he was the one who told me if like that : "You got your boarding pass to Amitabha's Pure Land already !!!"

Anyhow, I continue do my daily chanting of "Amituofo"........till on 27 October 2018 when I woke up that time, I was again chanting so loudly Amituofo and then one glimpse of the Amitabha Buddha appeared and it was the same as the photo that is above and which I carry 'him" with me where ever I go. 

What I discovered was : it was not so much the number of times you chant. But your FAITH that you really believe in Amitabha and his Pure Land that counts.

Wow !!! I said to myself .........Yes !!! I have done it already........but still need to keep on chanting Amitabha Buddha until the real big one appeared !!!! But I am already very very happy.

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