Tuesday, November 06, 2018

So how's your practise coming along ?

So how's your practise coming along ? 

Have you been meditating or doing chanting "Amituofo" ? Just keep doing it.......although many youtube videos will tell you that only the last 10 breaths you need to chant "Amituofo" 10 times and then you will get a passport to go to Amitabha's Pure Land....but do you know that .....when we are dying.....those few moments, all our enemies or "yuan chin chye zu" .........they all come and attack you !!!!

That time when you want to chant "Amituofo".  You cannot get it !!! So how ?

So........now we keep chanting until when you visualise the 4 Chinese characters of "Ah Mi Tio Fo" in front of you ...........you can see it clearly !!! and when you chant be it silently or out loud........your mind do not wonder. Can ?

My best level so far is only 7mins. Why don't you try to beat my record ? eh ? Can lah.......you try lah.

What I do is ........I turn on the timer in my Iphone and then I go to this picture (see below) and look at it and start chanting. Then when I find that I cannot focus anymore I go to the timer and press stop. Then I saw 7mins plus. 

You try this.........ok ?   Challenge for you !!! hehe 

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