Monday, November 19, 2018


Photo taken on Sunday at The Panaroma

Since 14 November 2018 I am embarking on recitation of "The Avatamsaka Sutra" (华嚴經) which comes in a set of 8 books and each book has about 10 chapters and to recite one chapter takes 45mins.

As my mandarin is not so good I therefore spend longer than one hour to recite one chapter. 

However to date,  I am on second book, chapter 13 already and today I went to International Plaza to get another set of the Sutra which has "han yu pin yin" on it so that I can recite faster and more mandarin words spoken otherwise I would go like "zzz" "zzz" and then continue the chinese text.....…..

Jian Hui Sifu said to complete 5 sets of recitation by 20 January 2019. At the rate I go…I know I cannot complete as I started late but I will just try my best. My personal target is to complete one set. hehe

I actually join this new dharma group as I like this sifu teachings especially on Shurangama Sutra in mandarin. I watched all the youtube twice on this sutra and the second time of watching I learn something more.

What are my experiences of reciting this Sutra ? First of all, every night when I go to bed. I find that I sleep very very well and with no dreams. It seems so good that I am considering to recite this every evening before I sleep except when I travel. I haven't "fa yuen" yet…..

Secondly is that - somehow everything went smoothly everyday. Business is good too. My Instagram account (lynnyap8888) now has more followers (currently 2034 followers)……and more "likes" too. 

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