Thursday, May 16, 2019

There are 25 methods that you can enter IN -

There are 25 methods that you can enter IN - to  become enlightened.

I can share with you 3 methods to enter IN in order to become enlightened -
1) Hua Tou Method (意根) - Some English books called it the Great Big Doubt. You would remember that I had ordered a book by Master Sheng Yen and I so eagerly read it.

You have to meditate first and find a nice place to sit and meditate for at least one hour every day. During meditation, after your breath is calmer then you start to do the Hua Tou Method. 

So you ask "What is Wu ?" Usually first time, you ask there is no sensation feeling one. But you keep doing it. Then also when not are also to ask "What is Wu ?" until one fine day you can experience a sensation at the third eye there (明心見性)。Got some feeling one....then you know that you are on the right track.

Then during continue to ask "What is wu?". I sometimes ask "Where is the true mind of Lynn Yap G C?" then I get a sensation and then I go back to "what is wu ?" 

Once, during a dharma talk that I attended. I ask "Is the true mind inside the body or outside the body?" and I got a sensation at the third eye space there. The thing is : to get the sensation to build it up so that that it can help you that Video that I shared with you recently. I cannot share with you more. You go look at the video and see. It is abit like a "kundalini awakening"......

I share end here for today.......

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